MOBIUS, also known as Missouri Bibliographic Information User System, is a consortium of academic libraries with membership that initially consisted of colleges and universities in the state of Missouri but has now expanded to include public libraries and libraries of various types from surrounding states. The largest single project for which MOBIUS is responsible is the MOBIUS Union Catalog. The Union Catalog creates a virtual collection of the more than 29 million items contained in the libraries of MOBIUS member institutions and creates a single user interface that allows faculty and students to request library materials using any personal computer in any location with access to the Internet. A courier service delivers library materials to member libraries once per day, 5 days per week.
MOBIUS member libraries include those from schools such as: Conception Abbey and Seminary College, Concordia Seminary, Cottey College, Covenant Theological Seminary, Crowder College, Drury University, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Missouri Baptist University, Missouri Southern State University, Nazarene Theological Seminary, Saint Louis University, Saint Paul School of Theology, Ozark Christian College, Ozarks Technical Community College, Southwest Baptist University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Washington University, Westminster College.
View a full list of MOBIUS member libraries
The Evangel University libraries share a common catalog with all other MOBIUS libraries. This means that, in addition to searching the Evangel catalog for resources, you can also search the MOBIUS online catalog to see the combined holdings of every MOBIUS library.
EU students, faculty, and staff members can borrow books from other MOBIUS libraries using one of the following methods:
You can also request photocopies of journal articles from other MOBIUS libraries through the same process as you would for OCLC Interlibrary Loan.
To place a request for a book from other MOBIUS libraries throughout the state:
Once a request is filled by a MOBIUS Library, the book will be sent by the MOBIUS Delivery System to the EU Library. When the book arrives, it will be placed on the hold shelf at the pickup location that you specified in your request and a pickup notice will be emailed to you. It is your responsibility to pick up the item.