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Special Collections:
Collection Management Policy


Special Collections Defined/General Description

The Evangel University libraries include multiple Special Collections gathering materials from select topical categories in support of the research, teaching, and learning of Evangel University.  These collections may also serve to contribute to the preservation of materials for certain types of literature or fields of scholarship.

Materials may be distinguished from the general holdings of the libraries and designated to a special collection for a variety of reasons, including: uniqueness or rarity of the items, physical form, content, depth of subject coverage, specific focus of subject coverage, or other special significance.

Reason for Policy

The policies defined here establish a basic framework for governing the collection development of the library’s special collections and will focus on the methods and guidelines for acquisition.

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Methods of Acquisition

The library acquires materials for its Special Collections through

  • Donations
  • Purchases
  • Transfer of Materials from other University departments and offices

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Purchasing Guidelines

Depending on the nature of the collection, the library may continue to purchase additional items for some of the Special Collections.  Many of these purchases may be funded by specific designated financial gifts.  If a potential donor is interested in contributing such a gift, they are encouraged to contact the library Director.

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Guidelines for Gifts and Donations

The library wishes to encourage donations of materials for the Special Collections, provided that such materials fall within the scope of one of these collections.  The library Director or designated staff may accept donations of monographs, periodicals, manuscripts, photographs, maps, small collections, or other items deemed to be appropriate and within the scope of existing Special Collections.  The library will become the owner of the donated items and will not accept items and collections on “deposit” or “loan” for the university’s Special Collections.  In the case of gifts of significant size, it may be necessary for the library Director and the donor to consult with the university administration to discuss implications of the donation in detail. 

The library Director has authority to accept or reject donations and, in the case of the Special Collections, may choose to do so in the case of items that

  • duplicate material already in a collection that are in equally good or better condition
  • are in such poor condition that either the usefulness of the item is doubtful or the addition of the item has the potential to be detrimental to the condition of other items in the collection
  • are otherwise not of direct interest for the specific scope of existing Special Collections.

The library reserves the right to continue to refine their collections over time and it is possible that certain donated items may be weeded or moved at a future date.

All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Donors must obtain their own tax valuations by qualified appraisers and are responsible for obtaining the needed documentation.  If the donor wishes, a commemorative bookplate will be inserted in all printed volumes from his/her donation that are added to a collection.

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Recommendations or Requests for New Special Collections

If a prospective donor desires that the Evangel University libraries use his/her donation as the foundation for a new Special Collection, they must make such a proposal to the Provost or, in the case of the seminary, the AGTS Academic Dean.    

Please keep the following in mind that the general criteria the library staff and university administration would be considering would include, but not be limited to, questions such as:

  • Would the collection complement, enrich, or build upon the strengths of existing Special Collections?
  • Does the subject matter directly tie in with the needs of the current curriculum or research needs of Evangel University faculty and students?
  • Does the university libraries have sufficient space and resources to house such a collection?
  • Does the nature of the materials intrinsically necessitate special storage and handling?

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