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Circulation Policies: Faculty & Administration

Checkout Limits

  1. There is no limit to the total number of circulating books that an EU/AGTS Faculty Member or Administrator may borrow from the EU library.
  2. There is no limit to the total number of Audiovisuals (DVDs, Videocassettes, Audiocassettes) that an EU/AGTS Faculty Member or Administrator may borrow at any one time.  However, only 2 “Entertainment” videos may be borrowed at any one time.
  3. Global Faculty have no EU/AGTS imposed limits as to the total number of circulating books and may borrow 2 Audiovisuals.  However, they may be subject to additional restrictions from their own institution and should check with the Global University library staff.

Present your own (current) Evangel ID card in order to check out any materials.

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Loan Periods

 1. Books from circulating collection 

 Due May 1st*

 2. DVDs, Videocassettes, and Audiocassettes (no renewals)

 7 days

 3. Curriculum Media   Due at end of semester.

 4. Entertainment Videos (no renewals)

 7 days

*Books checked out by faculty members will always have the upcoming May 1st listed as the due date in the circulation system.  Faculty members will have the option to either renew or return their checked out books at this time.

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Borrowing Materials from MOBIUS Libraries

For information concerning the MOBIUS Consortium, please refer to the Introduction to MOBIUS and SWAN. EU/AGTS Resident and Adjunct Faculty are eligible for MOBIUS borrowing.

Monographs (circulating books) are the only materials that are available for loan from other MOBIUS libraries.

Loan Periods

 1. Books (two renewals)

 28 days*

 2. Renewal Period

 Length of the Original Loan

*Once the initial loan period has ended, books will be subject to recall if requested by another student.

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Checkout Renewals

Books checked out by faculty members from the EU library will always have the upcoming May 1st listed as the due date in the circulation system. Faculty members must be sure to either renew their checked out items for another year or return the items to the library before this date. A list of currently checked out items will be sent out to faculty every April with a reminder that it will be necessary to either return or renew currently checked out items. In addition, the circulation system may be set to automatically extend faculty due dates an additional year if the book is checked out within the last month before this annual due date.

A MOBIUS book may not be renewed if it has been requested by another MOBIUS patron.

Library staff may occasionally contact faculty members on behalf of other EU/AGTS patrons who desire to place a hold on a book currently checked out to EU/AGTS faculty. Please see the Recalls of Books section for further information.

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Placing Books on Hold

If a desired book from one of the EU library collections is currently checked out, EU/AGTS faculty may request that the book be placed on hold. Once a hold has been placed on an item, it will remain in effect for 45 days. (However, faculty may request that the hold be set to remain in effect for a longer or shorter time period.) If the book is returned during this period, the Library staff will reserve the item at the Circulation Desk and notify the faculty member that it is available.

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Recalls of Books

Any book that has been checked out to an EU/AGTS library patron may be recalled after two weeks of the initial loan period has passed if requested by an EU/AGTS student or faculty member. In the case of EU/AGTS books checked out to Faculty members, the library staff will simply contact faculty on behalf of the patron who has requested the item to see if a new due date can be negotiated.

All faculty members should be aware that books can be recalled from any library patron at any point in their loan period if another EU/AGTS professor has requested that they be placed on Course Reserve. In such cases, patrons are asked to return recalled books to the library within 48 hours of notification or the book will be considered overdue and the patron will be subject to the fine policies.

Only those currently affiliated with EU/AGTS (students, faculty, staff, etc.) or a MOBIUS library will be able to place requests for checked-out AGTS books.

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Reserve Materials

The policies governing the purpose and use of Course Reserve materials are as follows:

  • Faculty members may request that books in high demand for their classes carry a limited loan period--2 hours, 1 day or 3 days. These items will be kept at the Circulation Desk for the duration of the course. Students wishing to view any of these materials must request the specific item(s) from circulation staff.
  • Reserve materials are to be used primarily by those who are currently taking the course for which the book has been reserved. Only students who are taking the course and the professor teaching the course will be allowed to remove 1 or 3 day reserve materials from the library. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by a library administrator.
  • Two-hour reserve materials are to be used in the library, unless the professor teaching the course has need to temporarily remove the book from the library.
  • Students may only borrow one reserve item at a time.
  • All reserve material may be renewed once for the same period of time as the original limited loan. However, the material may not be renewed if another student from the class has requested it.
  • All reserve books are subject to immediate recall upon notification if the situation warrants it.

Placing Items on Course Reserve

Faculty can request that books or articles be placed on reserve at any point in time by filling out and submitting the following form:


Although faculty will use the student portal to provide students with linked access to required articles, faculty can request that library staff assist with the process of locating and scanning particular journal articles or book chapters.

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Overdue EU/AGTS Materials

EU/AGTS Faculty are not subject to fines for materials from the EU library. However, Faculty are responsible for the replacement costs of any items from the EU library that they may lose.

In addition, if a faculty member fails to return or renew their checked out items by the May 1st due date, they will receive overdue notices. If the items are not renewed or returned in 28 days, the faculty member’s library account will be charged for the replacement costs of any overdue books and their library account will be blocked. If the items are returned or renewed, the charges will be waived and the block removed.

Overdue MOBIUS Books

For information concerning the fees charged to EU/AGTS students, faculty, and staff for overdue books checked out from MOBIUS libraries, please refer to the Lost Items section.

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Lost Items


Faculty are responsible for the replacement costs of any items from the EU library that are lost while checked out under their name. Regular circulating items not returned or renewed will be declared lost 28 days after the due date.

When an item from the EU library has been declared lost, a notice will be sent and, unless the item is returned or renewed, the value of the item* will be charged to the faculty member's library account. In addition, the library account will be blocked until the matter is resolved.

Faculty members will also have the option of simply purchasing a replacement copy of the lost item for the library. The library staff will need to verify that the purchased item is an appropriate substitute or replacement for the lost item before the faculty member's account is cleared.

*Notes on replacement costs:

  • Notices sent by the library’s circulation system will include a default item price of $50 for each billed book.  The total price indicated in these notices should not be interpreted as a final invoice since library staff will adjust each billed list item based on the actual list price of the book.
  • The cost of out-of-print books will be the current market value of the book or a similar book as determined by consulting information from book vendors.
  • The replacement cost of a lost DVD will be based on the actual replacement cost of the new DVD.


The policies established by the SWAN Cluster and the MOBIUS Consortium in regards to lost books are as follows:

  1. A book will be declared lost and a bill will be produced when the book is 28 days overdue.
  2. The EU library will block patrons who have been billed until either the bill is paid or the item(s) returned.
  3. There is no upward limit for the dollar amount a lending library can charge for material that is lost or damaged.  The replacement costs charged to the borrowing library could include a $25.00 replacement fee in addition to the actual cost of replacing the material, as assessed by the owning library (the owning library may waive the $25.00 replacement fee at their discretion).
  4. Although the EU library has the option to attempt negotiation with the lending library for a lower replacement or lost book fee, it is ultimately up to the discretion of the lending library whether they want to negotiate.

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Qualifications for Adjunct Borrowing Privileges

In order to qualify for faculty borrowing privileges as an Adjunct, an individual must meet one of the following criteria:

  • currently teaching an EU/AGTS class, or
  • scheduled to teach an EU/AGTS class during the current academic and/or calendar year

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