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AGTS Special Collection Study Rooms

Two rooms on the second floor of the AGTS Library have been set aside for special collections and for small group study sessions.  One of these rooms (232-B) houses the Dr. Gary B. McGee Research Collection for Church History and Pentecostal Studies and the George W. Southwick Research Collection for Anglo-Israel Studies.  The other room (232-C) houses the Hyllberg Women in Ministry and Leadership Collection.  Please see the Special Collections Policies for more details concerning these collections.

These rooms will be left open and students may make use of the study spaces on a “first-come-first-served” basis unless faculty or administration has reserved a timeslot for class use or another particular purpose. 

A cart with a TV and VHS/DVD player will be stored in the Technical Services office of the library and can be retrieved by library staff for students when requested.  In addition, the room housing the Hyllberg collection (232-C) is equipped with a computer and a widescreen monitor that can be used for viewing DVDs.

Although use of the study spaces in these rooms will generally be available on a “first-come-first-served” basis, any researcher using the room must be willing to allow other students access to the special collections in the room and may be asked to leave the door open.

Food is not permitted in these group study rooms unless specifically authorized by a library administrator.