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Interlibrary Borrowing

OCLC ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Introduction

What is OCLC ILL?

The Evangel University libraries have contracted for access to OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a major world-wide computer-based cataloging bibliographic utility. Through its use of OCLC's extensive bibliographic record collection and Interlibrary Loan services, the EU libraries can offer access to a wide range of print resources to meet the needs of experienced and advanced researchers.

Research materials that are not available locally may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.  The scenarios in which an EU/AGTS patron may wish to use OCLC Interlibrary Loan are as follows:

  • To check out a book that is not available at one of the Evangel libraries or at any other SWAN/MOBIUS library.
  • To obtain a copy of a journal article that is not available in one of the Evangel libraries or through online databases licensed by the Evangel libraries.

Placing an ILL Request

Place a Book Request (Use if needing a book, dissertation, or any other physical, printed item.)

Place an Article Request (Use if needing a journal/magazine article or a chapter out of a book.)