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Summer Institute of Islamic Studies: Islam in the United States (2023)


Welcome to MCC 553: Islam in the U.S.

This course is "a study of the birth of American Islam, the early waves of Muslim immigration and the evolution of American Islam toward orthodoxy. Emphasis is placed on the implications of Islam’s rapid growth in American society and the Christian’s responsibility to address this challenge."  The course is taught by Dr. Tommy Hodum.

On this page you will find the required and recommended books for the course, which are available in the EU Libraries. The books, which are not available in the EU Libraries, can be found on the and requested via an Interlibrary Loan service (ILL). If you prefer to purchase the books, check the list of online bookshops compiled by a librarianwhere you can find the best bargain, which in most cases will be cheaper than Amazon. This course page also provides links to OPEN ACCESS (free online) resources (eBooks, articles, media, and more).

COMMA: Reaching Muslims Together

Featured Books & eBooks

Required Books

Open Access (free online): Articles, eBooks, Media

Articles / eBooks / Dissertations from EUL Databases