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Distance Students Services

Books: Finding and Checking Out

Searching for Books

The library’s online catalog can be accessed at No passwords are required for this access.  This catalog includes the holdings of EU’s Klaude Kendrick Library and the AGTS Cordas C. Burnett Library.

You can also perform searches simultaneously in the online catalog and various periodical indexing databases using our EBSCO Discovery Service.  Keep in mind that EBSCO Discovery searches do require a login for off campus users.  See the instructions for accessing online resources for further details.

Search Everything Using EBSCO Discovery

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Requesting Books

Although you are free to check out books in person using the standard library procedures when you are in town, as a Distance Student, you are also able to request that books be mailed to your home address when you are unable to get to Springfield for pickup.

Book Request Form

You also may compile lists of books that you wish to checkout and email the lists to library staff at  It is expected that students will have checked the library catalog to confirm that an EU library does indeed own each requested item.  If you want to request a book that is not owned by EU or AGTS, you must follow the Interlibrary Loan Request procedures.

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As a student in an Evangel University degree program, you are able to borrow books from other MOBIUS libraries.  However, we are unable to mail the books to your home address.  If you live near another MOBIUS library, you can use that library as a pickup location for your MOBIUS requests.  Otherwise, you may want to simply time your MOBIUS requests to ensure that the book will be waiting for you at an EU library when you are in town for classes.  You also can request that the library staff make copies of a specific chapter.

MOBIUS – Full Description and Details

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